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Chiropractic Care

When your spine is aligned, your body has every opportunity to work at its highest levels. Every nerve that controls your body runs through your spine. If there is interference in the spine, then it can cause problems elsewhere, such as in your arm, shoulder, neck, leg or foot. By being adjusted, we can make sure that you function at your optimum level.

The many types of problems we often see include

  • Arm pain
  • Hand pain
  • Headaches
  • Knee pain
  • Low back pain
  • Mid-back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Shoulder pain

Most people find chiropractic because they’re looking for a way to relieve their pain. When you come to our office, you’ll leave with far more. We want to teach you simple ways you can improve your health. These small steps can add up to tremendous changes, giving you a new outlook on life.

Dr. Effertz’s primary adjusting technique involves using the Impulse® adjusting instrument. He’s also skilled in manual adjustments if you prefer a hands-on technique. Our methods also include Cox Flexion-Distraction and spinal decompression, which is ideal for low back problems. Patients love that they can choose how to be adjusted and that we offer a nonforce technique that doesn’t involve twisting, popping or cracking.

We’re a great choice for people who want to have more than chiropractic at their disposal. As a part of your care, you may also receive the following:

  • Laser therapy. A light uses photo biomodulation to penetrate the body’s cells, reducing inflammation and promoting healing.
  • Dry needling. Get into tough muscles and trigger points and experience their release with dry needling.
  • Ultrasound. A sound frequency helps muscles and the body’s soft tissues to decrease inflammation.
  • Cupping. This age-old technique increases blood flow to a specific area, healing damaged tissue there.
  • Electro-acupuncture. Instead of using needles, we can use electricity to pinpoint precise areas of the body to accelerate healing.

Nutrition and Weight Loss

Effertz Chiropractic and Wellness Center, Inc. also offers you the benefit of ChiroThin’s exclusive weight loss program. Only found at the offices of certain chiropractors, this program is unlike any other you’ve experienced before. Dr. Effertz has a strong emphasis on the importance of nutrition and can also guide you in making the right choices for yourself.

Experience the benefits of chiropractic and our many other solutions. Contact our team now to schedule your first appointment!

Chiropractic Care East Dubuque IL | (815) 747-6548